
Top email marketing tactics for online store owners in 2024

How WooCommerce, Stripe and Shopify users send out email marketing campaigns? What tactics work best for SaaS businesses and store owners in 2024?
Octoboard MarketingAnalytics Blog
OCTOBOARD: Top email marketing tactics for 2024
Some of our clients shared their thoughts and insights on how they use email marketing to increase sales and reduce churn. We have asked our customers who use Ecommerce Analytics product of the Octoboard platform (Stripe, WooCommerce and Shopify owners). Below are some of the answers that we received as well as additional information we collected on the subject available from public sources.
”Collecting user insights in Octoboard PPC Data Analytics - Octoboard survey interface”

We have asked Octoboard Email Analytics clients what practices and tactics they find most useful in 2024. Below are the answers we received from WooCommerce store owners that took part in our questionnaire.

Personalization and Segmentation

”Personalization and Segmentation”
  • Personalize email content, subject lines, and offers based on customer data and behavior
  • Segment your email list into targeted groups to send more relevant messages
  • Use customer data like purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographics for personalization

Octoboard’s Email Marketing offer a great way to segment and personalise your email content. From advanced client segmentation to email marketing content, you can tailor your product offering to specific customer needs.

”Email marketing features in Octoboard”

Abandoned Cart Emails

”Abandoned Cart Emails”
  • Send automated reminders to customers who added items to their cart but didn't complete the purchase
  • Offer incentives like discounts or free shipping to encourage customers to finish their order
  • Personalize the email content with the specific products left in the cart
Analyze and segment your customer base. Send effective email marketing campaigns and promotions with Octoboard.

Post-Purchase Emails

Post purchase emails
  • Follow up with customers after a purchase to gather feedback, encourage reviews, and promote related products
  • Use these emails to build loyalty and drive repeat business
  • Personalize the content with the customer's purchase history and preferences

Welcome Series

”Welcome Series”
  • Create a multi-email welcome series to introduce new subscribers to your brand and offer
  • Provide value upfront, like a discount code or exclusive content, to engage subscribers
  • Segment the welcome series based on how the subscriber joined your list

Lifecycle Emails

”Lifecycle Emails”
  • Send targeted emails based on where customers are in their lifecycle with your brand
  • Examples include win-back emails to re-engage inactive customers and loyalty emails for your best customers
  • Automate these emails to trigger based on customer behavior and milestones
Advanced customer analytics and segmentation for online store owners. Engage with your clients and grow your business!

Optimized Email Design

”Optimized Email Design”
  • Use a clean, mobile-responsive email design that is easy to read and navigate
  • Include eye-catching visuals, like product images and lifestyle photos, to grab attention
  • Use clear, compelling calls-to-action that stand out and drive clicks

A/B Testing

”A/B Testing”
  • Continuously test different elements like subject lines, content, and send times to optimize performance
  • Use A/B testing to determine what resonates best with your audience
  • Analyze the results to make data-driven decisions about your email strategy

By implementing these top tactics, online stores can create more engaging, personalized, and effective email marketing campaigns that drive sales and build customer loyalty in 2024.

Start using your cloud data to grow sales, save cost and retain clients
Analyze and segment your customer base. Send effective email marketing campaigns and promotions with Octoboard.
How to analyze your data and increase sales with Octoboard
Customer and product analytics for E-commerce stores
Real-time order processing and website traffic for advanced product and customer segmentation, dashboards, reports and ChatGPT insights.
Octoboard ecommerce analytics
Business features include
Advanced customer analytics
Customer segmentation
E-commerce email marketing
ChatGPT data insights
Lead generation features
Monitor and recover abandonned carts
Advanced web analytics
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