
Is my TV compatible with Octoboard?

Is my TV compatible with Octoboard?

Is my TV compatible with Octoboard?

Not all devices (TVs or wall monitors) can run Octoboard. Your device needs to be able to support compatible technology, be powerful enough to render graphs, charts and maps and have enough horizontal viewport size to display dashboards.

Checking TV browser viewport size

Your device should have horizontal viewport size of more than than 900 pixels (X-axis).

To check your TV browser viewport, please open this link on your TV: http://whatismyviewport.com. If viewport size resolution is less than 900 pixels, dashboards will not be rendered correctly.

Checking if TV browser technology is compatible

To test if your TV or wall monitor can display Octoboard dashboards, please open Live View link in your device browser. If dashboards are opened correctly at that URL, it means your device supports the latest technology required by Octoboard.

You can run the same test in a TV store by using available display TVs. Open internet browser on display TV and visit octoboard.com website. Use a remote control to open Live View link.

Every Octoboard subscription comes with one "test device" that you can use to test any TV or wall monitor in your office or home. One test device is available during trial as well. It is accessible via TOP-RIGHT MENU > SEND TO TV feature.

Checking if your TV is powerful enough

Memory and good processor are required to render graphs, charts, maps and embedded websites. If your TV is not powerful, it will still be able to show data but TV Loops transitions and loading times may be long. Please test your TV browsers before purchasing Octoboard subscriptions or requesting additional devices to be added to Octoboard (additional devices cost €15 per device per month).

You can create a TV Loop and send it to your home or office TV as a test. The process of managing devices in Octoboard is explained in this Knowledge Base post.