
Is Octoboard available in other languages?

Is Octoboard available in other languages?

Is Octoboard available in other languages?

Octoboard platform and our website are available in the following 7 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch and Portuguese. We have translated user interface of our application, client portals, embedded dashboards, SEO audits and other interface elements and features to make it easy for you to manage your data and to offer data visualisations and reports to your multilingual clients.

Octoboard website language switch

Where can I change the default language?

To change the default language of the application go to LEFT MENU > ACCOUNT CONFIGURATION and locate flag icons at the bottom of the configuration panel as shown on the following image:

Octoboard language switch

If you share a link to your portal, you can always use "lang" URL parameter to make sure it opens up in your preferred language. For example, "https://portal.yourdomain.com/?lang=nl" will open the portal in the Dutch language by default.

When you are logging in, you can set the language of the session from the very beginning.

It is also possible to change the language of individual reports. Use the "Language" configuration parameter available for every report in the system ("Structure" tab). This parameter will also affect the language of the generated SEO Audits, if they are used in the report.

Report language switch in octoboard

You can create Embeddable SEO Audit forms and capture leads in any of the 8 available languages. Use SEO Forms configuration panel to set the language of the generated forms. For more information on capturing leads with Embeddable SEO Audit forms, please visit this link.

What is not translated in Octoboard?

Widget titles are not fully translated yet. But you can always use the QUICK SWITCH menu item available in every widget to quickly change the default text and use your own translation.

Quick switch to change title

If you have translated widget titles, you can clone entire translated dashboards and reports between clients. For more information on how to save time and use cloning, please visit this Knowledge Base post.